Česká republika

Česká republika

ICOM National Committee Czech Republic

All news

July 1, 2017

ICOM sleduje vývoj sitace na Ukrajině. Vedení ICOMu zaslalo výzvu ministerstvu kultury Ukrajiny s žádostí o podrobné informace k situaci. Ohlášené konference mezinárodních a národních komisí, které se mají konat v Rusku, nejsou rušeny. Dopis prezidenta zde

Dear colleagues,
We all are following the current developments in Ukraine. As in many other areas where such conflicts have taken place, cultural heritage in Ukraine is also in danger.
ICOM and its partners have been very active in the last few weeks in order to find out which museums, collections, monuments and other cultural heritage entities are in need of assistance. We thank all colleagues in Ukraine and abroad who have put so much effort into following all of the latest developments in the country.
Please find the Blue Shield’s recent statement on this issue, drafted by ICOM and its Blue Shield partners, attached to this email. It can also be found on ICOM’s website under: In addition to this statement, we also have sent an urgent message to the Minister of Culture of Ukraine in order to inform him of our concerns.
In the last few days I have received phone calls from members asking if international ICOM meetings already planned to take place in Russia should still be carried out in view of recent events.
First of all, let me say that our colleagues and conference hosts in Russia are not responsible for the politics of the Russian government. Since the situation in the region is changing very rapidly, we should wait and see what will happen in Ukraine. In my view it is up to every committee concerned to decide how to proceed. As most of the meetings will take place in the second half of the year there is no need to make an urgent decision.
Best wishes,
Prof. Dr. Hans-Martin Hinz
President of ICOM
International Council of Museums
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