July 1, 2017
Informujeme o cirkuláři dvoudenní konference MUSEUMS ALIVE! pořádané University of Leicester. Konference je určená především pro postgraduální studenty oboru muzeologie. Uzávěrka přihlášek 20. 6. 2014, termín konference 4. – 5. 11. 2014.
Attached you find the call for papers for the event Museums alive! a two-day interdisciplinary postgraduate conference hosted by the School of Museum Studies, University of Leicester, in partnership with Migration Museum Project.
It will happen on Tuesday 4 — Wednesday 5 November 2014.
The conference team welcomes all postgraduate students, early career researchers and practitioners who are interested in and researching topics related to the museum field. All disciplines and nationalities are invited to participate.
They also encourage creative and alternative presentational styles, alongside the traditional paper. Workshops, panel debates, creative writing, films, installations, visual creations, displays and ignite presentations will all be considered.
Conference email: msphdconf@gmail.com
Conference blog: http://msphdconf.blogspot.co.uk/
Facebook: goo.gl/a2mjQ4
Twitter: @msphdconf