July 1, 2017
17. listopadu 2015 v průběhu generální konference UNESCO byl přijat text nového dokumentu o ochraně a podpoře muzeí a sbírek, jejich rozmanitosti a jejich úlohy ve společnosti.
17 November 2015
Today, the UNESCO General Conference adopted the text of a new standard-setting instrument on the Protection and Promotion of Museums and Collections, their Diversity and their Role in Society.
Member States have agreed on setting and implementing a set of global guidelines for the protection and promotion of museums and collections, which is to become the cornerstone of international museum policies. The adoption of this new recommendation reflects the international community’s strong commitment to assisting museums in fulfilling their roles in contemporary society to promote sustainable development and intercultural dialogue. They are one of the most prominent institutions for safeguarding heritage in its all forms, thus contributing to many of the Organization’s fundamental missions.
The elaboration of the Recommendation was supported by the financial contribution from Member States, namely Brazil, the Philippines, and the Czech Republic. It is worth recalling that the Zhi Zheng Art Museum in Shenzhen will partner with UNESCO to create a High-Level Forum on museums and to support the implementation and promotion of the Recommendation, as well as other museum-related activities.
For more information and related documents, please visit the dedicated webpage: