Public relations
Public Relations
- At the entrance, place signs with a nice personal welcome.
- Emphasize that you are responsible to the museum and list the basic instructions for visitors (what exhibits are accessible, what restrictions are in them, and where the disinfectant gel is).
- Inform about your online projects, invite visitors to connect with the institution via social media.
- Until you open all exhibitions and expositions, try to offer a reduced entrance fee.
Museums are responsible, trustworthy and secure
Museums are centers of culture, caring for it and providing significant spiritual support
Visiting a museum reduces stress
Museums are everywhere
Museums are democratic, open to all
Museums are hygienic
Museums have become more personalized – exhibitions can be visited without meeting the authors, online exhibitions, on the other hand, have been used by their staff who conducted exhibitions.
Develop your online projects.
Enable museum staff to learn skills that will make it easier for them to communicate with “visitors” through the media (buy cameras, send staff to courses).
In the future, always prepare exhibitions with online outputs.
Examples: Director’s word, Ask the curator, Museum of Normal People
Define target groups (children, adults, seniors, 50+, 60+, 70+, employed people, women, men, mothers, fathers, grandparents, grandparents with grandchildren, the disabled, minorities, tourists….
There will be great interest in science exhibits, where it is possible to talk about viruses and other diseases – to connect it with history – plague wounds
Examples: Baring Foundation, CHWA Recommendations – The Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance, Age of Creativity, Armchair Gallery, Singing Sofa,…
How to reach the target group? What channels, what language
The digital possibilities are endless, but remember that social media is not synonymous with accessibility
Someone doesn’t understand social media – call for sending museum postcards
Examples: “One Letter – One Smile”
Content is most important
Ensure that it is relevant with regard to the medium and the target group
Goal setting: tell a story, entertain, ask questions (let’s not just talk about objects, but about relationships – what will the collections bring to those who listen?
Visitors actively involved
“Between Art and Quarantine” (live images based on real images)
Amulet-shaped disinfectant gel (Egyptian Museum)
Face masks